What The F**k Bill??!! - 5 Gambar

3 orang gadis yang baru selesai minum2 di sebuah kasino menjadi berang bila melihat bil mereka tertera Fat Girls/1 - merujuk kepada saiz badan mereka bertiga. Mereka ialah Christine Duran,Christina Huerta dan Isabel Robles yang menikmati minuman dan makanan ringan mereka di restoran Cameo Club Casino di Stockton. Sebaik sahaja menerima bil,terbeliak dan mengamuk la mereka. Diskriminasi hehehehe....

Check: The women were having a good time until they received their check, pictured, and noticed it said 'Fat Girls' on the top
Hurt feelings: The women, pictured, took a photo of the receipt to prove how they were treated
Upset: Isabel Robles, pictured, insists the offensive bill was no laughing matter
Poor form: The Cameo Club Casino restaurant, pictured, have apologised for the receipt

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