Penantian Google Glass Akan Berakhir - 13 Gambar

Penantian bila produk terbaru dari Google akan memasuki pasaran akan terjawab dalam masa terdekat. Produk yang diberi nama Google Glass atau Cermin Mata Google akan memasuki pasaran dengan harga pasaran $ 1,500. Kelebihan cermin mata ini ialah,ia adalah cermin mata yang mengambil gambar,video dan email dengan hanya menggunakan suara sebagai navigasi. Video akan boleh dikongsi secara online. Wah! nice.....sesuai untuk para wartawan hahahahha.......untuk lebih maklumat,klik disini

Google also revealed Glass will come with a set of lenses to turn them into sunglasses
Google is also believed to be working with designers to try and make Glass less obtrusive and more stylish

Google Glass will come in a range of colours - and the firm is working with spectacle designers to make the gadget look trendier
Google glass has a small screen, and is controlled by voice of gestures on a small trackpad on the arms of the glasses
The glasses use voice recognition, but also have a trackpad on one arm to negotiate menus
Another concept showed the glasses reminding a user of their flight as they move through an airport - telling them their current flight status
The system will also be able to automatically translate speech into another language
It also showed off a mockup of a more advanced version of the system, giving clearer directions to wearers
Wearers will be able to ask questions - such as 'How long is the Brooklyn Bridge'
Users can record video of what they see, and even see weather forecasts simply by asking for them
Google Glass was also shown off giving directions to a driver passing over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, where employees have been seen wearing the glasses in recent weeks
Google has revealed for the first time what wearers of its Glass computer will see. Here, a message is received and displayed on screen. Users can speak to reply
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