Kesan Pengambilan Methampethamine Dan Dadah - 9 Gambar

Never knew this drug effects was too strong. Take a look all the latest picture below,from a fresh face to a someone was so scary! FYI,kesan ini tidak mengambil masa yang lama,hanya 2 tahun setengah diperlukan untuk menjadikan diri pengambilnya menjadi tua sebelum tua yang sepatutnya.....

No chance: This man appears together in the left image but years of drugs have taken their toll on his face, right

Shame: This woman look s happy and healthy in her first image but two and a half years on she looks decades older
Scabs: In just six months, this woman develops large scabs on her face and looks like she is about to cry
Sad: A healthy-looking young woman looks decidedly worse in just eight months
Skinny: This man looks gaunt and sick after four years of taking hard drugs
Fast: It takes this drug user just four months for his face to show the signs of addiction
Tragic: This woman turns from fresh faced and attractive to gaunt and haggard
Desperate: This user appears desperate and scared in the second mug shot, taken 2.5 years after the one of the left
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