Istana Melambung Di Milan,Itali - 8 Gambar

Projek ini dinamakan On Space Time Foam rekaan artis Tomas Saraceno telah diletakkan didalam sebuah istana lama di Milan,Itali. Menjadi satu tarikan pelancong pula bilamana setiap pelancong yang berjalan di atas pelampung plastik gergasi ini berasa bagaikan berjalan diatas udara, tapi dengan syarat,orang yang nak naik benda ni kenalah berumur 18 tahun ke atas,sebab mereka takut risiko jatuh kut,ketinggian pelampung gergasi ni ialah 65 kaki dari atas lantai dengan keluasan 1200 meter persegi. Ada berani?

Get involved: 39-year-old designer Tomas Saraceno explained how each individual's movement inside affect the shape of the virtually 'living' playground
Tomas Saraceno

Cushioned: This visitor to the installation in Milan, Italy, lies comfortably in a little pocket of space

A magnificent creation: This bouncy castle took months of engineering and experimentation to build, working with new materials and using new techniques

Fantasy: 'On Space Time Foam' is an adult playground which seems to bend the rules of physics as we know it

Relaxing: This man lies face down and looks at people below

Who wouldn't want to go on this thing?

Overhead: Friends and relatives who may not want to join in with the fun can watch from below as people bound about above their heads

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