Perang Dunia Pertama.....Askar Mainan? - 13 Gambar

Ini bukanlah peperangan dari Perang Dunia Pertama yang sebenar,ia adalah rekaan artis Dave Farnham...dengan menggunakan model patung2 askar,sedikit letupan,teknik pencahayaan yang baik, teknik penggambaran yang so look real,everything was become like a real one......

Mr Farnham said: 'I am not the best photographer in the world, but I know how to set my camera to get the right exposure for my shots'

Photo magic: The dazzling scenes are designed to replicate what battle might look like up close

Spectacular scenes: Artist Dave Farnham has blazed a trail in the art world by using explosive fuse wire to create his stunning photographs

Labour of love: Mr Farnham surrounds the miniature men, rocks and pieces of bark in his back garden with yards of the cord, lights it and takes long-exposure shots with his camera

Eerily realistic: The flying sparks, smoke and searing flashes of light illuminating them have all been created with real bomb-making equipment

Creative flair: They might only be toy soldiers but the raging war around them looks eerily authentic

Life-like: Prize-winning artist Mr Farnham, started using fuse wire since earning his master's degree in fine art 10 years ago

Volatile vision: The photo also meant to blur the line between drawing and photography

Stunning: ¿I set fire to the fuse and take a long exposure photograph of the fuse being burnt, so I have no idea how the image will look until the camera has finished process the image,' said Mr Farnham

Night vision: Due to the terror risk, the biggest problem Mr Farnham has had with his work is buying the explosive cord

¿I use a Nikon D90 camera, lots of fuse wire, Woolworths toy soldiers, tripods and always have a bucket of water nearby,' said Mr Farnham

Spectacular scenes: Artist Dave Farnham has blazed a trail in the art world by using explosive fuse wire to create his stunning photographs

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