Produk Terbaru Dari Google_Google Glass - 5 Gambar

Baru2 ini Google telah melancarkan produk terbaru mereka iaitu Google Glass yang boleh mengambil gambar seperti digital kamera,menerima teks pesanan ringkas juga berfungsi sebagai GPS. Paling best ia telah dilancarkan Minggu Fesyen New York,malah para model juga turut memakai cermin mata tersebut sebagai langkah promosi.

Model: Some of those on the catwalk also wore the glasses as part of an upcoming documentary

Delight: The star was clearly taken aback by the hi-tech experience of wearing the glasses

Futuristic: This is the first time anyone outside Google has been seen wearing the glasses in public

Mastermind: Mr Brin has frequently worn the glasses at major events, mostly tech gatherings

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