Mengembara Ke Tesco Tahun 1960 - 6 Gambar

Sempena pesta Goodwood Revival,Tesco telah mengubah salah satu stor mereka kembali ke tahun 1960 yang terletak di Chichester,Goodwood....paling best semua barang2 yang dijual didalam stor ini mengikut konsep pembungkusan @ packaging dari tahun 60an....rasa macam kembali ke zaman silam hehehe...tapi jangan risau,stor ini menerima caj kad n kredit kad untuk pembayaran....kenapa harga pun tak ikut tahun 60an kan? hehhehe...semua tak sampai US1 dollar pun kikiki......

Time-travel: Visitors dressed in outfits typical for the sixties stand outside the vintage store which is open during the festival weekend 

Retro shop: Customers browse the aisles of the recreated 1966 Tesco during the Goodwood Revival historic motoring event

Back in the day: Tins of Fray Bentos Corned Beef next to Heinz Lentil Soup on the selves

Crosse and Blackwell Spaghetti rings

Everything from the handwritten signs to the tins of soup re-reate the feel of the 1966 branch with customers being served by shop assistants all wearing vintage uniforms

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