Kereta Mewah Yang Di Buang - 6 Gambar

Ia berlaku di Dubai,disebabkan kemelesetan ekonomi sekarang sebelah barat sana n europe,kebanyakan ekspatriat British yang pulang ke tanah air mereka meninggalkan kereta2 mewah mereka di lapangan terbang kerana takut dipenjarakan akibat terlalu banyak hutang......tengok pix below ni semua,sampai berhabuk pasir,malah ada di antara kereta mewah ini yang kuncinya sengaja ditinggalkan didalam kereta,ia juga memaksa pihak polis Dubai melelong kenderaan2 mewah yang diitnggalkan ini disebabkan ia hanya membuat semak hahhahahaha,......sakit mata tengok hahahhaha

Dusty: Another luxury car left dumped is this Honda NSX which was worth about £75,000
Honda NSX

Dumped: Instead of facing possible jail sentences under the strict debt laws in Dubai, many Brits have decided to return home, without even bothering to sell on the cars. This is a Jaguar XJ220
Jaguar XJ220
Incredible: More than 3,000 cars were found abandoned last year, which were then sold on by police or scrapped
Strict: Even bouncing a cheque is a criminal offence in Dubai, highlighting how harsh the laws can be
Nissan Skyline

Sign of the times: Thousands of high-performance cars have been left abandoned at Dubai airport by expats who fear being jailed because they are in debt. This is a Ferrari Enzo worth £1million
Ferrari Enzo

Coming home: Many Brits decide to leave rather than attempt to sell their cars to pay off debt, which can often take some time

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