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Buih putih menyelubungi perkampungan nelayan Scotland selepas ribut taufan melanda Britain. Macam salji pulak..salji daripada air hehehe....sekarang adalah pertukaran musim di bahagian negara Eropah. Ini adalah salah satu di antara bencana alam yang kerap melanda negara mereka.......

Stormy weather in Aberdeen has caused the sea to foam up and completely cover cars and houses in the Footdee area of Aberdeen

A woman makes her way through South Square in Fittie on the coast at Aberdeen, that has been covered in a thick sea foam after flooding from the North sea

Little Samuel Biesek, aged 4, wades through the foam covered South Square in Fittie on the coast at Aberdeen



Foam covered South Square in Fittie on the coast at Aberdeen


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