Kematian Manusia Pertama Jejak Kaki Di Bulan - 24 Gambar

Kematian Neil Armstrong pada hari sabtu lepas sedikit gempar,beliau passed away pada usia 82 tahun....mana taknya,beliau adalah manusia pertama yang jejakkan n main lompat2 di planet bulan. Beliau passed away disebabkan saluran darah was blocked. Previously dia dah kena operate pasal benda ni juga,must be komplikasi. So,may he Rest in Peace....operasi ke bulan pada 20 Julai 1969 menaiki Apollo 11.

One giant leap: Neil Armstrong, who made the first mission to the moon in 1969 and was the first to step foot on the lunar surface, has died, aged 82

Touchdown: Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong leaves a footprint on the surface of the Moon at Tranquility Base on July 20, 1969

Lunar landing: Astronauts Neil Armstrong, left, and Buzz Aldrin, right, place an American flag on the lunar surface as taken from the Eagle Lunar Module

Master and commander: Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969, and is pictured smiling in the vessel

Tuning in: A shadow-shrouded Neil Armstrong begins to deploy equipment a few minutes after taking the first momentous and historic step; half a billion tuned in to watch the moment

Documenting: Armstrong, pictured in April 1969 holding a video camera, spent years training for the monumental launch

Legacy: A footprint left by one of the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission shows in the soft, powder surface of the moon

Moon mission: U.S.astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes the American flag on the moon's surface; Aldrin was the second man on the moon following Neil Armstrong

Alien landscape: Armstrong, right, is seen at the Lunar Module Eagle on the historic first extravehicular activity (EVA) on the lunar surface; the photo was taken by Buzz Aldrin

Up up and away: On July 16, 1969, the American flag heralded the flight of Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission, lifting off with Armstrong and crew inside

The incredible journey: On July 16, 1969, with Neil Armstrong waving in front, the space crew heads for the van that will take them to the rocket for launch to the moon at Kennedy Space Center

Thumbs up: From another angle, Armstrong is seen giving a thumbs up as he and the crew walk to board the shuttle

Trinity: The crew of Apollo 11, pictured in 1969, from left are Neil Armstrong, Mission Commander, Michael Collins, Lt. Col. USAF, and Buzz Aldrin, USAF Lunar Module pilot

Space pioneer: Neil Armstrong poses for a NASA portrait ahead of the historic 1969 Apollo 11 mission

Later days: Armstrong spoke at a celebration dinner honoring John Glenn in Columbus, Ohio in February, but rarely granted interviews or made public appearances

Achievement: Speaking in a statement, President Obama said that when Armstrong set foot on the moon, he delivered what he called 'a moment of human achievement that will never be forgotten'; the two are pictured together in 2009

Festivities: The astronauts wave as motorcade carries them through a deluge of ticker-tape and confetti in lower Manhattan on August 14 following the moon landing

Joyful: As they made their way up lower Broadway, the spacemen, from left, are Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin, Jr., and Neil A. Armstrong, all waved

Proper gear: In this March 9, 1966 file photo, Astronaut Neil Armstrong is seated during a suiting up exercise Cape Kennedy, Florida, in preparation for the Gemini 8 flight

Suited up: On March 6, 1966, Armstrong, pilot for the Gemini VIII mission is shown in his gear

Run-through: In 1966, astronauts Neil Armstrong, fourth from left, and David R. Scott, third from left, prepare for a simulated test to get ready for a launch

Meet the press: Armstrong was introduced to the press on September 17, 1962, along with the other astronauts in Houston

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