Detroit Yang Menjadi Bandar Tinggal - 14 Gambar

Tak pernah sangka disebabkan kekecohan politik,dadah,kejatuhan ekonomi yang bersandarkan automotif,jenayah yang tak mampu dikawal - hehehe...Batman pun dah pencen kikiki - boleh menyebabkan Detroit menjadi pemilik koleksi rumah tinggal yang paling banyak....paling teruk,penduduk asalnya yang populasi asalnya kurang dari2  juta kini hanya tinggal 800 000 orang sahaja....

Kalau nak tengok lagi banyak pix,klik disini

Abandoned houses: Photographer Kevin Bauman began taking pictures of the scores of abandoned homes littering Detroit in the mid 1990's

Devastation: The amazing collection of photographs captured the utter devastation of the city that now sits largely derelict

Perplexing: 'I had always found it to be amazing, depressing, and perplexing that a once great city could find itself in such great distress,' Bauman says

Exodus: The population of Detroit has shrunk from just under 2 million to less than 800,000

Motown: The collapse of the auto industry, political dysfunction, and epidemics of crime, drugs, and arson caused residents to flee

Locations: Many of Bauman's pictures were taken in Brush Park, on the outskirts of Detroit's entertainment district

Mansions left empty: 'For as long as I can remember the area, housing large houses and mansions, sat largely abandoned,' Bauman says

Sprawl: After Brush Park was redeveloped, Bauman moved on to the other 135 square miles of Detroit, which was being largely ignored

Struggling: During the project, the photographer found Detroiters struggling to make a life among abandoned and burned out houses

Wild: Bauman says he encountered concerned citizens, packs of wild dogs, 20 foot high piles of toilets, and houses with the facades torn off, filled with garbage

Ghost towns: Some neighbourhoods were almost completely abandoned

Boarded up: Bauman thought 100 seemed like a lot but the number of abandoned houses in Detroit is more like 12,000

Ongoing problem: Sadly, that the derolict house problem is unlikely to go away anytime soon

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